Add a “Google Analytics” tag and choose the “Track Type” of Transaction. All the transaction information should be passed via the data layer.
Variable Name | Description | Type |
transactionId (Required) | Unique transaction identifier | string |
transactionAffiliation (Optional) | Partner or store | string |
transactionTotal (Required) | Total value of the transaction | numeric |
transactionShipping (Optional) | Shipping charge for the transaction | numeric |
transactionTax (Optional) | Tax amount for the transaction | numeric |
transactionProducts (Optional) | List of items purchased in the transaction | array of TransactionProduct objects |
TransactionProduct Data
Variable Name | Description | Type |
name (Required) | Product name | string |
sku (Required) | Product SKU | string |
category (Optional) | Product category | string |
price (Required) | Unit price | numeric |
quantity (Required) | Number of items | numeric |
Here's an example of how this would look:
<script> dataLayer = [{ 'transactionId': '1234', 'transactionAffiliation': 'Acme Clothing', 'transactionTotal': 38.26, 'transactionTax': 1.29, 'transactionShipping': 5, 'transactionProducts': [{ 'sku': 'DD44', 'name': 'T-Shirt', 'category': 'Apparel', 'price': 11.99, 'quantity': 1 },{ 'sku': 'AA1243544', 'name': 'Socks', 'category': 'Apparel', 'price': 9.99, 'quantity': 2 }] }]; </script>
Place this code before the Google Tag Manager container snippet so that the dataLayer is ready when Google Tag Manager fires the Google Analytics tag asynchronously.
If you can’t do this and your data layer is placed below the Google Tag Manager code on the page, add a condition to your rule to wait until the page (DOM) is fully loaded, with the built-in event “gtm.dom”:
If you opt to have the tag fired based on a custom event, you can combine the data and the event push as described in the developer documentation:
For another great article about using google tag manger with Ecommerce, go to This guide