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Local storage vs. Cookies: What's the difference?

Sometimes web pages are more than just static sources of information; sometimes they want to interact with and know something about their useres. In order to do this websites need to store data locally on the client-side. The solution for this for a while has been cookies, which are small text-files that storename:value pairs and are stored in bowels of a user's machine. Since the inception of...


Ongage Ongage is a saas service that let marketers enjoy one system that migrate multiple ESPs at once. this give new abilities to manage complicated Email & SMS campaigns. The frontend, which is developed and maintained by Sortex, include complicated interfaces and forms that embed lots of UI & UX expierience. Website: http://www.ongage.com (Free 30 days trial is offered)

Google Analytics for E-commerce

Google Analytics for E-commerce Add a “Google Analytics” tag and choose the “Track Type” of Transaction. All the transaction information should be passed via the data layer. Variable Name Description Type transactionId (Required) Unique transaction identifier string transactionAffiliation (Optional) Partner or store string transactionTotal (Required)...

Hotjar - Tracking your website visitor's behavior

Hotjar - Tracking your website visitor's behavior ​​Hotjar is an analytics tool that lets you see how visitors behave on your website. It records every website visitor action in order to learn and tell how to better convert your visitors into customers. Hotjar provides marketing oriented features and insights that will help you improve your website’s content and design to drive more traffic. Insights gathered by this tool are stored...